In September, our Explorer group went to a Scout camp called ‘Mersey Moot’.

The 8th of September, the Wardle Explorer group attended a weekend long camp called Mersey Moot, an annually held Scouting event located in the Merseyside area. We went as a group of 9 Explorers, plus an additional 3 Ranger guides. A range of thrilling activities were available, and completed, throughout the weekend.

Mersey Moot 2023 was held at Tawd Vale, a large adventure centre in Ormskirk, Merseyside.


While on the camp, our group partook in a wide variety of different activities. Some of these include: paddleboarding, cavebus, bungee trampolines, sumo, inflatable obstacle course, fairground rides and live music. Our explorer pack loved the entertainment, mostly the paddleboarding and the live music, which was an incredibly fun to spend time with the other explorers. In the evenings, we spent a lot of the scout camp listening and dancing to the live music. However, one of the nights, a fancy dress took place, where we all dressed up. Our Explorer group went as the Men In Black. Which was a fun experience, seeing all the different groups in all their different costumes. Our Explorer group went as the Men In Black. We looked amazing as the MIB.


Our food and accommodation was provided by our helpful Scout Leaders, although the putting up of the tents and cooking the food was up to us. Other than a leader “helping” with the food, we had to rely on our teamwork and skills to make sure we were comfortable and fed. We were responsible for the tidiness and upkeep of our shared tents and area.

It was a very fun experience and I hope we have as much fun in future Scout camps.